Climate change and sea level rise are threatening coastal ecosystems and infrastructure. Conventional surveying is both time-consuming and labor intensive while not providing an evolutionary view of beach changes. iBeach is a complete solution for persistent, AI-driven monitoring and analysis of coastal health that provides actionable insights.

Cost Effective

iBeach delivers huge savings over traditional beach surveying & profiling: in coverage area, labor & equipment, and reliability.

Persistent Monitoring

IoT connected cameras constantly drive data to the BeachWatch cloud platform, enabling high-res monitoring for weeks, months, and years.

Data Analysis

AI-powered software delivers invaluable insights on beach health by quickly analyzing shoreline changes and sand exposure.

How iBeach Works

iBeach utilizes web-cameras installed at high vantage points to collect real-time, high-resolution images over time. This visual data is used to model shoreline changes and detect the causes. Hawaii’s coastlines are susceptible to extreme coastal erosion rates; up to 2 feet/year. Statewide, these erosion rates are only expected to increase with sea level rise, and force property owners and coastal managers to make some tough decisions on how to adapt.

Services We Provide

Leveraging Computer Vision to automate persistent visual monitoring and provide actionable insights

iBeach Edge Devices

iBeach’s edge camera system can be a single deployed device or network of connect monitoring cameras.

iBeach edge hardware installation

iBeach edge devices provide continuous, low-power, low-cost monitoring of coastlines. The iBeach system is capable of delivering real-time, persistent data capture that traditional beach profiling cannot. Conventional surveying methods require a team using rod/prism and Total Station (ex: Leica TC305) and is both time-consuming and labor intensive. A survey team may need to repeatedly return to a site over multiple dates, conditions, and seasons to capture even a limited picture of a beach’s health.

iBeach device can provide the necessary around-the-clock visual data to paint a complete picture of the coastline over time. The proprietary Artificial Intelligence software then delivers valuable analysis and insight that users can interact with via the cloud.

BeachWatch Cloud Analysis

BeachWatch is the cloud-based, decision-making platform of the iBeach system.

BeachWatch data collection software

In the cloud, the BeachWatch platform catalogs and displays data from the edge devices. The software consolidates edge-device-captured imagery and then shares the resulting data and insights among authorized users. Users can collaborate to solve the challenges of a project site, can build custom reports, can create novel dashboards, and more.

BeachWatch’s graphical user interface (GUI) processes exposed sand levels versus water levels using a proprietary computer vision algorithm.  This site data is cataloged over months and years to provide a wholistic picture of the tidal, seasonal, and adverse weather event impacts on the site in addition to overall trends in sea level rise and erosion.

BeachWatch GUI platform
BeachWatch consolidates beach transects/profiles, data on lost/gained/stable beach, and rates of change.

The Future Risk

The critical issues of sea level rise and climate change – and the various symptoms of these shifts – are affecting coastlines, island cities and communities, and coastal infrastructure around the world. In 2018, the Hawai’i State government adopted a strong stance to protect the Hawaiian islands from effects of climate change and released the ‘Hawai’i Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Report’. This report outlines in no uncertain terms the projected and measurable consequences of sea level rise for Oceanit’s home state.

Hawai’i, like many coastal communities, has clear and unique challenges in facing Sea Level Rise (SLR) and in dealing with adverse disaster conditions. While Hawaii’s unique location, temperature- and ocean-dependent weather patterns, and isolation from mainland resources make us particularly vulnerable to the repercussions of the evolving environment, the repercussions of SLR are being experienced around the world; from the South Pacific to Greenland.

erosion threatens coastal properties
Beach armoring is a temporary solution

Coastal development in much of the world has been developed to work with the ocean as it was several decades ago and much of the world’s waterfront infrastructure, such as buildings, roads, fortifications, harbor facilities, sea walls, and beach parks are now degrading under today’s ocean conditions.

With sea level rise estimates of one meter predicted by this century’s end, there are four key challenges to be expected which iBeach technology can work to monitor and provide insights for:

  • Inundation is the base of sea level rise; where a higher ocean level will lead to more powerful waves, larger storm surges, and increased damages due to wave height that we are so far unprepared to handle.
  • Erosion will negatively impact us beyond the obvious pushing back of physical shorelines and reduction of usable land. Fine sediments affect water quality which impacts reefs and continues to contribute to the global warming/SLR/erosion cycle.
  • Salt intrusion can cause issues in certain locations and micro ecosystems that are normally not high in salt, such as wetlands, coastal groundwater, and low land plant life which includes Hawaiian specific agriculture such as rice and taro.
  • Rising groundwater tables are both caused by and lead to severe drainage issues, and can lead to larger and more frequent flooding and decreased drainage where needed. This makes high-rainfall areas near the coast particularly susceptible to post-storm damage above and beyond what has been seen previously.
iBeach allows users to select areas of beach to analyze

Contact Us

To learn more and receive additional information about Oceanit's iBeach system, please contact us using the form on the right.